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Any new Thread without showing price will be Closed! Effective date: 11-3-2020
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Selling Xentry installations, Online accounts or Hardware (Original Interface VCI or C4) are not allowed!!!
Prices of all items in the selling section should be always shown explicitly in the very first post of any started thread.
Any new Thread without showing price will be Closed! Effective date: 11-3-2020
Useless Posts to bring thread to 1st page will result in closing the thread! It may also lead to Banning if its repetitive!
Cummins Insite keygen's, Activation's and Calibration Keys are not allowed! Threads about it will be deleted!
Selling Box
Dyno Quality File Service from UK β Quality Files from 84 Euro!!
Author: kennedys-tuning
Today, 04:47 AM
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